50ft Membership

5 ratings

I am grateful for the encouragement and kindness everyone has shown me on fiftyfootshadows through its years of operation. It is an important part of my life and has been a labor of love all of these years but I have recently come to realize that I can't keep it up forever on love alone.

This is where the 50ft Memberships come into the picture. With your humble support I will be able to continue building and posting to fiftyfootshadows. 

Being a member gives access to higher resolution versions of both new and old wallpapers for pixel hungry devices. Downloads of these files will be handled through Gumroad.

I will continue to add new wallpapers as I am able to but the frequency of which I will be able to do so will vary. If there are any old images you would like to see in the collection then by all means, let me know!

The 50ft Print Club

The 50ft Print club is the true heart and soul of why I wanted to start a membership service on 50ft. Each month I will send a 4x6 print along with a letter to each subscriber. I will mail these off by hand with envelopes and stamps as though sending a letter to a friend or pen pal. All of the digital benefits and Fine Art print discounts also apply.

Unfortunately I had to close the print club part of the membership because I have been unable to keep up with my work and family life while mailing out prints in a timely manner. I may start it up again in the future but for now have chosen to close the series, thanks for your time and support! -John


Tip Jar: This is not a requirement or an attempt to get more out of you, I promise! The ordering system makes you pick an option so don't feel bad about making it 0. The Tip Jar is only here for those willing or able to give a little extra to the development of the site. Simply choose "No Tip" if your not interested.


A Monthly Subscription to show support for the land of 50ft.

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50ft Membership

5 ratings